Walking with JK Boots | Episode 2 | BootSpy

"Walking with JK Boots" is an intriguing podcast that delves into the life of guests who've mastered the art of craftsmanship in their respective fields.

In this episode, we dive into the real world of boots and business as we sit down with renowned boot journalist, William Barton, the founder of BootSpy.com.

William Barton, founder of BootSpy.com wearing JK Boots

Since the very beginning, William has dedicated BootSpy as a space that delivers honest and unbiased content about the boot world with his extensive knowledge and personal experiences. 

Join us as we spend some time discussing origin stories, business principles, the creative process, the "human touch," and the ins and outs of reporting on the best boots in the world. 

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and immerse yourself in an authentic and honest boot experience. 

Watch the episode below:

BootSpy on the JK Boots Podcast

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